President’s Message

FIT President’s message: raising our profile through advocacy and supporting the future of the profession

It’s nearly that time of year when we speed towards what feels like a hard deadline, wondering how we got here so fast. Is it another of those absurd hallucinations? Or is it just that we really were that busy? A busy end to the year means a calendar full of events, and FIT is

FIT President’s message: raising our profile through advocacy and supporting the future of the profession Read More »

FIT President’s message: protecting the human value of our profession this ITD 2024

After almost two years of talking about artificial intelligence (AI), what it does, how we can use it, and where it will lead us, we are now seeing that talk translate into action, with businesses and governments exploring the implementation of unsupervised AI, including for translation and interpreting. We’ve warned against it, and now we

FIT President’s message: protecting the human value of our profession this ITD 2024 Read More »

FIT President’s message: embracing the elephant in the room

FIT world congresses are our flagship event: an unrivalled opportunity to bring all areas of the profession into the same room – not only metaphorically, but literally face to face in the same room! Along with riveting keynotes and roundtables bringing together academic and practitioner presentations, FIT congresses offer the chance to meet and connect with

FIT President’s message: embracing the elephant in the room Read More »

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