Photo by Michèle Grenier
Every year, the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) awards titles to its new members at a ceremony celebrating their certification. Two ceremonies were held this year, one in Quebec City on 18 May 2023 and one in Montréal on 14 June 2023, which were attended by around 40 and 100 people, respectively.
A total of 266 people were certified by OTTIAQ between 2022 and 2023.
In Quebec City, the titles were presented by Donald Barabé, Certified Translator and President of OTTIAQ, and Hélène Gauthier, Certified Administrator, Certified Translator, and Executive Director and Secretary of OTTIAQ. In Montréal, the titles were presented by Donald Barabé and Rossella Melfi, Certified Translator and a member of the Certification Committee.
Attendees really loved both events. The ceremony in Quebec City was sponsored by Sematos, while the ceremony in Montréal was sponsored by our Platinum Partners, Desjardins and The Personal, as well as our Silver Partner, Magistrad. OTTIAQ extends its sincere thanks for their support!
Hélène Gauthier (OTTIAQ)