Every autumn, Portland, Oregon greets visitors with an explosion of colours as the trees around the city turn incredible shades of red, orange, and yellow. This year, the city also welcomed translators and interpreters from all over the world who gathered for the 65th annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA) at the Oregon Convention Centre. ATA65 featured plenary sessions, language- and subject matter-specific division meetings, dozens of insightful presentations, and a range of networking and professional development activities over four days. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, even with the drizzle and cold temperatures outside.
At every conference, ATA generously offers fellow associations the opportunity to set up tables in a high-traffic area of the venue so they can share information about their initiatives and projects. This year, FIT Council accepted the invitation and organised a FIT table where a group of FIT representatives embarked on a mission to communicate what FIT is, how to participate, and why to attend the next FIT World Congress in Geneva in September 2025.
Taking our task very seriously – or as seriously as it gets during Halloween in the US – we handed out bookmarks featuring information about Translatio and the congress (accessible via a QR, of course!), had great conversations with fellow attendees, and publicised both FIT and the upcoming congress in several sessions.
Thank you to the ATA Board of Directors and conference organiser for this opportunity!
Marita Propato & Ben Karl (ATA)