Every year, the Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CTPCBA) asks its members to work together pro bono on committees that, among other activities, work to defend the duties of sworn translators.
In addition to language-specific committees, the CTPCBA is organised into subject-based committees covering a range of topics that are of great interest to its members, including the legal, economic/financial, and technical/scientific subject areas, professional practice and defence of members, interpreting, technological resources, international relations, culture and wellbeing, expert appraisal work, terminology, audiovisual translation, literary translation, new translators, senior translators, and university relations.
The University Relations Committee has six members, and one of its main goals is to maintain active and smooth relationships with the officials and representatives of public and private universities that offer degrees for certified translators. It also oversees the quality of training for future sworn translators and conducts research on these degrees.
Its work includes giving talks on membership to final-year students on being a certified translator, during which the committee talks to students about the wide range of activities that the CTPCBA offers its members, and the possibility of obtaining a credential in order to receive specific benefits.
The committee also organises talks by specialists for the training of sworn translators and university lecturers, such as ‘The challenges of teaching legal translation” and “Learning strategies for virtual translator training’ (links in Spanish).
Committee members also take part in academic conferences and workshops to share its research.
Here is a list of research projects the committee has completed in recent years:
- ‘From ethos to professional praxis’
- ‘Sworn translators: a neglected species? An interdisciplinary study about the early academisation of public translators’ training in Argentina’
- ‘Training for sworn translators in Argentina’
- ‘Professional praxis in the academic training of sworn translators in Argentina’ (ongoing): this project includes a survey of all official public translation study plans currently in place in Argentina. Its main aim is to explore how learning takes place for general and public translation, and learning strategies for interpreting in the context of certain degrees in public translation in Argentina.
In this way, the CTPCBA is doing its part to help train future sworn translators.
Victoria Paniagua and Silvia Bacco (CTPCBA)