The Asociación Cubana de Traductores e Intérpretes (ACTI) and the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) are organising the 12th edition of the Cuba–Québec International Symposium on Translation, Terminology, and Interpretation. The symposium will celebrate ACTI’s 30th anniversary at the Grand Memories Varadero Hotel in Varadero, Cuba, on 5 and 6 December 2024. It will bring together language professionals to discuss current challenges and future opportunities under the theme ‘The challenges of a generation: our impact, legacy and collaboration’.
The symposium will cover several key topics to help language professionals navigate an ever-changing field.
First, discussions will focus on translation and interpreting in crisis contexts, as well as remote interpreting services.
Remote learning and professional development will also be explored. With online training becoming more prevalent, language professionals need to adapt to new learning methods to keep up in the digital world.
The event will also examine emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), which is becoming increasingly integrated into the language professions. The topic will explore how to adapt to this technological reality.
Copyright and professional ethics will be addressed, with discussions on ethical standards, professional conduct, and the role of associations in maintaining high standards in translation, interpreting, and terminology during this period of rapid change.
The last topic will be the training and certification of translators, terminologists, and interpreters.
The symposium will be held in person, with presentations in Spanish, English, and French, fostering a rich and diverse exchange of ideas. It will be a unique opportunity for language professionals to meet new peers, learn about innovative ideas, and celebrate three decades of collaboration between Cuba and Québec.
The 12th edition of the International Symposium on Translation, Terminology, and Interpretation Cuba-Québec will be an important platform to address today’s challenges and explore new opportunities for language professionals, while strengthening ties between the translation, terminology and interpreting communities of Cuba and Québec.
Nora Azouz, OTTIAQ