Elections at OTTIAQ

Headshot of Betty Cohen
Betty Cohen, Certified Translator
Photo credit: Chantal Mathieu

The Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) is pleased to announce the election of Betty Cohen, Certified Translator, as President of the Order, effective 21 September 2023.

Ms Cohen will work alongside the following board members:

  • Simon Denault, Lawyer, Appointed Director
  • Florian Farez, Certified Terminologist, Certified Translator
  • Julien Gagnon, Certified Translator
  • Antoine Galipeau, Certified Translator
  • Meaghan Girard, Certified Translator
  • Stephanie Lamontagne, Certified Translator
  • Gervais Lessard, Appointed Director
  • Marie Poitras, Appointed Director
  • Suzanne Villeneuve, Certified Interpreter
  • Catherine Zekri, Certified Translator

Betty Cohen brings her experience and extensive knowledge of OTTIAQ’s work, as well as her resolutely forward-thinking vision, to the Order and our members. At a time when both society and work are undergoing a profound transformation, she is committed to promoting the instrumental nature of the skills of certified translators, terminologists, and interpreters.

“I am delighted to take the helm of the Order,” said Cohen, “which is particularly dear to my heart, having been involved in its founding. I would like to thank the Board of Directors for the trust they have shown in electing me. I know that I can count on their support as we take new steps towards affirming the value of our professional titles.”

Learn more about Betty Cohen in her biography.

Hélène Gauthier, OTTIAQ

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