The newsletter of the International Federation of Translators

FIT President’s message: embracing the elephant in the room

FIT world congresses are our flagship event: an unrivalled opportunity to bring all areas of the profession into the sam...

FIT LatAm’s annual general meeting

FIT LatAm held its second general meeting of the 2022–2025 period on 23 May, on the eve of the CITEI Congress in Lima...

European Conference on Literary Translation in Strasbourg: registration now open

Registration is now open for the CEATL’s European Conference on Literary Translation, with FIT and FIT Europe...

Language resources webinars for language professionals

At the Institute of Translation and Interpretating of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), we are organisin...

Recapping TAC’s 2024 annual conference

On 30 and 31 March, the Translators Association of China (TAC) held its 2024 annual conference in Changsha in central C...

Language services must be proactive: a call to action from JIAMCATT 2024

JIAMCATT, the International Annual Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and Terminology, is a task force of the Inte...

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Compartimos las dos convocatorias de "M'illumino d'immenso, Premio Internacional de Traducción de Poesía del italiano al español y del español al italiano” organizado gracias al apoyo de varias instituciones. Para información, vea los enlaces: ▶ Del italiano al español: ▶ Del español al italiano El premio es de 1000 euros. La convocatoria se cierra el 20 de agosto de 2024. ▶ Este año se ha convocado también una edición de M’illumino d’immenso del italiano al portugués: ▶ y otra del italiano al árabe: ... See MoreSee Less
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