29th Anniversary of ACTI

Group of Cuban translators
From left to right, front then back: María Elena Silva, Gisela Odio, Magalys Fernández, Estela Díaz and Victoria Rodríguez; Gretchen González, Dayana Rodríguez, Yadilka Valiente, Gregorio Amado and Adnerys Abadía. Photo credit: Diego Batista, ACTI.

Between 14 May 1994 and today, there have been hardships – and many joys. We’ve consolidated our organisational and professional life to the point where we were able to organise and host the successful XXII FIT World Congress last year and our own VII National Congress this year.

On 14 May 2023, we proudly marked the 29th anniversary of the Asociación Cubana de Traductores e Intérpretes (ACTI) and have already started celebrating both our own 30th birthday and FIT’s 70th. We have planned training activities for the whole year and in particular for International Translation Day, under its beautiful main theme that recognises all of us: Translation unveils the many faces of humanity. This November, the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) will stage the XVI Symposium on Literary Translation and in December 2024, ACTI and the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) will host the ACTI–OTTIAQ International Symposium on Translation, Terminology and Interpretation.

While gathering my notes for this piece, I asked a few colleagues what ACTI means to them. Here are some of their responses:

  • Gisela Odio (former president): “…ACTI is the flagship…”
  • Rodolfo Alpízar (former president): “…a dream, seeing us all together as one big family…”
  • Luis Alberto González Moreno (outgoing president): “…half of my life…”
  • Jesús Írsula: “…translators prove they’re winners every day”.
  • Grisel Ojeda: “…it’s home for translators”.
  • Alexander Subiros: “…it’s the connection to the translation profession”.

The current board said:

  • María Elena Silva: “…connection to the world”.
  • Abraham Pérez: “…it’s about respecting diversity and inclusion”.
  • Margarita Linares: “Professional development and dignity for the profession”.
  • Leysa Buides: “Exchange, development, respect, and commitment”.
  • Migdalia Fabré: “Dreaming, believing, daring, and achieving”.
  • Rocío Lavastida: “Respect and dedication to the profession”.
  • Estela Díaz: “…national and international visibility”.
  • Ileana Boza: “…social recognition”.
  • Henry Liu, current honorary board member: “…hats off to ACTI”.

The current FIT president, Alison Rodriguez, noted during the recent FIT Council meeting in Barcelona: “…to thank you again, ACTI, is not enough, for all you do and have done for FIT over these years”.

And, for me, it is all of that: love for the profession, family, intelligence, decency, resilience, and our Cuban  identity. If you feel the same, let’s be proud together.

Gretchen González Nieto, ACTI President

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