Introducing new FIT member Universidad César Vallejo (UCV)

Universidad César Vallejo (UCV)

Universidad César Vallejo (UCV) in Peru is an innovative institution dedicated to shaping socially responsible entrepreneurs. It currently offers 31 academic programmes across five departments. The Translation and Interpreting Programme is part of the Humanities Department and is available on five of the university’s 12 campuses. It is also the first university in Latin America to become an associate member of FIT.

With just over 2,000 students, UCV’s T&I programme provides an opportunity for young people who aspire to become language professionals and serve as bridges between linguistically and culturally diverse communities.

Our goal is to develop our academic activities in continuous contact and communication with primary translation and interpreting stakeholders, and FIT helps make this possible. We know that FIT members share news about their activities as well as experiences and knowledge through FIT’s channels, and by being members of FIT, we gain privileged access to a part of the translation and interpreting community, as well as FIT’s ongoing continuing education and additional visibility.

We are committed to continuous improvement as an institution that trains translation and interpreting professionals, and the only way to achieve this is by staying informed of the latest trends and maintaining connections with other T&I associations worldwide. These were the motivations behind our application for associate membership in FIT. 27 October 2024 has become a special date for us, as it marks the day we received our welcome letter as an associate member of the International Federation of Translators!

On behalf of the translation and interpreting family at UCV in Peru, thank you for this opportunity.

Luz Mercedes Vilca Aguilar, Director, Translation & Interpreting, UCV

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