On 17 October 2024, the Central American Regional Group held its second event. It was organised by the Asociación Guatemalteca de Intérpretes y Traductores (AGIT) with the support of our FIT LatAm Regional Centre, in line with the Viña del Mar Declaration, with the aim of sharing success stories about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in our profession in this region of the Americas.
Entitled ‘Examining the impact of AI on translation, interpreting, and terminology in Central America’, this Zoom event was attended by representatives of FIT LatAm and almost 100 participants from around the world. Patty Ovalle de Ardón (International Relations, AGIT) welcomed attendees, and Patricia de Melendreras (AGIT) moderated the event.
This webinar marked a milestone in the history of our association: for the first time, professionals from every country in Central America took part in the same event. Andrea del Carmen Castillo, representing AGIT Guatemala, spoke about ‘AI support in translating a work of fiction’; Gerardo Cáceres, secretary of the Asociación de Traductores e Intérpretes Profesionales de El Salvador (ATIPES), gave a presentation on ‘The current state of AI in the industry in El Salvador: towards the automation of translation and interpreting in the Tom Thumb of the Americas’; Frances Bennaton, representing the Honduran translators’ association, spoke on the topic of ‘AI: A future ally? Perspectives on its use and application in Honduras for translation and interpreting’; Cairo Cortés, representing the Nicaragua Chapter, discussed the topic of ‘AI: doubts, fears and hope’; Mario Roa, from the Asociación Costarricense de Traductores e Intérpretes Profesionales (ACOTIP), discussed ‘AI: another tool on the Costa Rican professional translator’s desktop’; and Leidy Quiroz, from the Asociación Panameña de Traductores e Intérpretes (APTI), spoke about ‘The future of translation: the convergence of technology and human experience’.
After these talks, we heard from FIT President Alison Rodriguez, who spoke of an ‘Analysis of the use of AI in Central America and how to maximise its impact on translation, interpreting, and terminology’. Reina de Bettendorf, honorary member of FIT, thanked attendees and closed the event.
We hope to meet again next year to discuss more topics of interest, with the associations from El Salvador and Honduras now taking part as members of FIT.
Silvia Patricia Ovalle de Ardón (International Relations, AGIT)