Recapping TAC’s 2024 annual conference

TAC President Du Zhanyuan delivering opening remarks

On 30 and 31 March, the Translators Association of China (TAC) held its 2024 annual conference in Changsha in central China’s Hunan Province. Nearly 1,000 representatives from the government, businesses, public institutions, universities, research institutes, and the translation industry attended the opening ceremony.

Du Zhanyuan, President of China International Communications Group (CICG) and TAC, stressed that as China’s only national translation association, TAC should make it its mission to promote the development of the industry and help promote exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign cultures.

FIT President Alison Rodriguez delivering opening remarks

Alison Rodriguez, President of FIT, noted in her video address that translation serves as a bridge connecting China and the world. The global translation community should promote technological empowerment, work together at the international and regional levels, and make greater contributions to deepen exchange, cooperation, and mutual learning between China and the rest of the world’s diverse civilizations.

Awards ceremony for veteran translators and interpreters

At the opening ceremony, 13 translators were granted the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation, 73 received the Senior Translators Award, 125 took home the Outstanding Young and Middle-Aged Translators Award, and eight foreign translators won the Outstanding Foreign Translation Experts Award.

The annual conference lasted for two days and featured nearly 30 thematic forums, a live interview entitled “Translating China and embracing the world”, and a lecture for the annual conference. It also featured an inaugural exhibition on achievements in the industry.

TAC’s 2025 annual conference will be held in Dalian in Liaoning Province.

Kelly Liu, TAC

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