The year 2023 held particular significance for the scientific activity of the Asociación Cubana de Traductores e Intérpretes (ACTI), which is approaching its 30th anniversary. For instance, three important events took place in November. Firstly, the 16th International Symposium on Literary Translation was organised by the Writers’ Association of the Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC) and ACTI. This was followed by the Latin American Scientific Conference: CENDSOR 2023 and the First Latin American Scientific Workshop for the Project: Inclusive Education of Deaf People from Linguistic and Intercultural Contacts.
To quote the renowned writer and translator Javier Marías, ‘the translator is a privileged writer who has the opportunity to rewrite masterpieces in another language’. However, for the translator’s work to be completed successfully, comprehensive training is needed. Today, this poses new challenges for the training of translators and for their professional practice. The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and new working conditions imposed by the global situation are making us reevaluate the methods and tools used, and the professional relationships that literary translators establish with authors and editors, and with different working languages and cultures. These were some of the topics addressed at the symposium, which featured speakers from Latin America and Europe. The strong and enthusiastic participation of students from various programmes at the School of Foreign Languages (FLEX) of the University of Havana is worth noting; they demonstrated a profound mastery of the theoretical and methodological foundations of translation studies, which is a sign of the good health of the profession. The symposium proved to be an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to the work of linguistic professionals and the vital role they play in fostering international understanding and facilitating cultural exchange.
In turn, the Latin American Scientific Conference (with the motto ‘Deaf cultural identity, rights and life’) and the Scientific Workshop explored several topics related to the socio-educational inclusion of Deaf people, the perception of Deaf people from a socio-anthropological perspective that emphasises their cultural identity and not their disability, and the training and performance of those professionals who take part in the life of the Cuban Deaf community. Translation and interpreting were among the best represented areas at these events, with more than 20 papers presented, including some on training for deaf translators and interpreters.
There is no doubt that 2023 was a successful year for ACTI’s scientific activities. Such gatherings are key to advancing our profession.
Abrahán Pérez Herrada, ACTI