ITI’s response to generative AI

Illustration of a coded human silhouette over a motherboard, representing AI
Photo credit: Pixabay

Generative AI and other emerging technologies have been developing apace during recent months, resulting in considerable hype in the media. This has generated both a degree of pessimism, as well as more useful and considered thinking.

Over recent months, the Institute of Translation and Interpreting has been considering the key issues and opportunities facing our members as a result of these developments. As part of this work, we ran a series of online open meetings with members over the summer.

Many important insights were shared and valuable points raised (a summary is available on the ITI website) but two key themes came up again and again: the need to champion the skills of professional translators and interpreters and the need to provide education and training to ensure that our members are equipped to build a sustainable long-term career in language services.

As a next step, ITI has set up an AI Working Group, chaired by Iwan Davies, FITI and comprising academics, ITI members, and experts in the field. Their role will be to support the Institute as we develop the training that members need and to provide advice on the potential to respond to government policy consultations on generative AI and language services-related topics. The working group will also collaborate with research institutions working on the topic of genAI to help disseminate research findings and good practice guidance. ITI will also continue to work hard to communicate the positive and constructive messages that convey the value that human translators and interpreters bring to their clients.

Sara Crofts (ITI)

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